1. A user on Google+ can post a photo from Google Drive. When you do this, it creates an album with a date title at the top level, rather than a sub-album under "Photos from posts".
2. A Google+ Page can not post a photo from the Page owner's Google Drive.
3. Google+ can not add a photo to an album from the Page owner's Google Drive.
4. A Google+ Page can upload photos in a "Photos from posts" sub-album, or create an album and upload to it.
5. Google+ Page albums are not accessible from Picasa Web Albums, nor from the Picasa application, when logged in as the Page owner. The albums created by a Page are owned by the Page and not accessible, even by the owner of the Page.
6. Google Drive folders can be shared with individuals, from Google Drive, but can not be shared with Circles, Google+ Pages, nor Google+ Communities from Google Drive (note that an object shared with a Community is actually public).
7. From Google+, Google Drive folders can not be shared.
8. When viewing an album in Google+, under the "More" drop down, the "Share album via link" gives a URL that can be shared in a Google+ post, including sharing with a Google+ Page. However, the Page can not re-share the post to a Community.
9. However, a Page can share the URL (obtained via #8) of an album with a Google+ Community.
10. Google+ can not provide a URL for an individual image in an album,. Picasa Web Albums can.
11. Picasa Web Albums can not create sub-albums, even though Google+ does this when images are added to "Photos from posts".
12. When uploading to, or moving an image to, an album through the Google+ tool (the "Upload New Photos" button", the albums are selected through an impossibly long, unordered and unsearchable drop down. In this drop down, the sub albums are all listed, along with the top level albums. This is stunningly unusable.
13. The same interface, with the same problem, in #12 is used in Picasa Web Albums, on selecting the "Upload" button.
14. Google Blogger can insert images from Picasa albums owned by a user but not by a Google+ Page.
15. Google Blogger can not access Google Drive.